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Plenty Of Free Parking
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Staying Where You Are Part II

I discsussed this post with Mrs. Beckley, and she thinks that maybe I underestimate what percentage of people who go to college here in Ohio stay here. She reminded me of why I came to Ohio, and why she (a native Ohioan) stayed here even though she very well could have gone somewhere else after college.

On further reflection, what I'm mainly reacting to is the conflict between "staying where you're planted" and what I myself believe that people like me are supposed to want. Basically, I feel guilty for not being more "ambitious", and apparently I think most other people are going to feel the same way.

Which isn't to say that most other people do in fact feel the same way. Insofar as this subsidy idea makes sense at all, maybe enough people who benefit from it would stay in Ohio to make it worthwhile. I don't actually know, it depends on the actual numbers, I guess.

Really, the idea that you must leave where you are, move to the place that's most competitive, and compete as hard as you can for success is kind of oppressive, and maybe more people than I realize reject it.
Couldn't the state make it like those med school scholarships where you have to stay in X place for X amount of time afterwards?
Well, I'll be darned, an audience!

The article was kind of short on details on what was proposed. If additional money is going to some particular person, they could probably attach strings to it. However, the article made it sound like maybe there was just more money going to particular departments at particular schools, and it might be more difficult to police that. Not to mention the departments in question would fight tooth and nail to not have any such strings.

So what was your experience? Did the people you knew in school assume they were going to move far away as soon as they left school?

And what does jsu stand for anyway?
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Q: What's the difference between the city and the suburbs?
A: Plenty of free parking!

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