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Plenty Of Free Parking
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Gus Gallucci's/Gust Gallucci's

Years ago, I posted:

3. Gust Gallucci's (aka Gus Gallucci's)

A fine Italian grocery, somewhat incongruously located in an industrial wasteland at Euclid and E. 60-something. Where we get our Italian sausage.

And they do mail order -- if you've ever wanted to mail order a whole truffle, Gallucci's is the place. And try the Castelevetrano olives.
Lately, I've been getting a lot of hits from google with "Gus Gallucci's" (without the "t") as the search term -- my blog appears to be first on the list for this particular phrase. I'm guessing the real Gallucci's website (see above) just doesn't contain the phrase anywhere.

So: if anyone reading this is actually associated with Gallucci's, I suggest that you put the phrase "Gus Gallucci" somewhere on your website. Not that I mind the traffic of course.

And, if you're coming here looking for Gallucci's in Cleveland and you're not actually from or near Cleveland (and a lot of the hits apparently aren't, if Site Meter is to be trusted), then what brings you to Gallucci's? Are you a Cleveland native? Does Gallucci's actually have substantial business outside of NE Ohio? Are there any TV ads involved? (I say that because I saw ads for Gallucci's during the postseason run of the Indians, but I assumed those were only going out locally). Leave a comment and fill me in!

Update 2011-11-26: Happy Thanksgiving! I realized that the URL for Gust Gallucci's that I formerly had above doesn't actually work any more. Sorry for leading all of you good people astray, but it's fixed now.
It's funny how random referral hits seem to be.

Happy New Year! I'm afraid I lost your current address, else I'd have sent a Christmas present.
Good heavens!

Happy new year to you too, jsu.

By the way, thanks for the link from your blog. I hope your readers don't hold my choice of topics and infrequent posts against you.

Speaking of opera, you know we've been going to these Metropolitan Opera broadcasts, and so have Mrs. Beckley's parents, and they weren't opera fans at all before this. They're really pretty much digging it, and plan to go see most of the rest of the broadcasts this season.

So, maybe those broadcasts really are bringing more people to opera....

I sent you an email on the address attached to your blog. I don't know if that actually gets to you or if you read it, but that's where it went.
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