Gus Gallucci's/Gust Gallucci's
Years ago, I
3. Gust Gallucci's (aka Gus Gallucci's)
A fine Italian grocery, somewhat incongruously located in an industrial wasteland at Euclid and E. 60-something. Where we get our Italian sausage.
And they do mail order -- if you've ever wanted to mail order a whole truffle, Gallucci's is the place. And try the Castelevetrano olives.
Lately, I've been getting a lot of hits from google with "Gus Gallucci's" (without the "t") as the search term -- my blog appears to be first on the list for this particular phrase. I'm guessing the real Gallucci's website (see above) just doesn't contain the phrase anywhere.
So: if anyone reading this is actually associated with Gallucci's, I suggest that you put the phrase "Gus Gallucci" somewhere on your website. Not that I mind the traffic of course.
And, if you're coming here looking for Gallucci's in Cleveland and you're not actually from or near Cleveland (and a lot of the hits apparently aren't, if Site Meter is to be trusted), then what brings you to Gallucci's? Are you a Cleveland native? Does Gallucci's actually have substantial business outside of NE Ohio? Are there any TV ads involved? (I say that because I saw ads for Gallucci's during the postseason run of the Indians, but I assumed those were only going out locally). Leave a comment and fill me in!
Update 2011-11-26: Happy Thanksgiving! I realized that the URL for Gust Gallucci's that I formerly had above doesn't actually work any more. Sorry for leading all of you good people astray, but it's fixed now.